G001.0652-0.1338 Parameter Summary
R.A. (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Amaj (acrsec) | Amin (acrsec) | PA (deg) | Vlsr (km/s) | Distance (kpc) |
17h48m39.29s | -28d05m40.6s | 34 | 34 | 88 | 74.60 | 8.07 |
Radius (pc) | Tdust (K) | Density (cm-2) | Mclump (M_sun) | Lclump (L_sun) | L/M (L_sun/M_sun) |
1.10 | 16.39 | 4.16e+22 | 1607.92 | 2837.32 | 1.76 |
- Amaj and Amin are the major and minor half-intensity axes provided in the ATLASGAL catalog.
- PA is the position angle corrected in the FK5 system with respect to the north direction.
- Tdust and Nh2 are the beam-averaged dust temperature and column density. These values are extracted at the peak position from the dust temperature and column density maps which have an angular resolution of about 36.4 arcsec.
Dust Emission Image
Caption: (a) Three color images with emission at 8.0, 4.5, and 3.6 µm
rendered in red, green, and blue, respectively. (b),(c),(d) show dust
continuum emission at 24, 70, and 250 µm, respectively. In panel (d),
emission at 870 µm is presented in red contours with levels of 0.3,
0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.3, 1.8, 2.5, 4, 7 Jy/beam. The white cross
gives the peak position of 870 µm, and the white ellipse delineate
the source size based on the major and minor half-intensity axes
provided in the ATLASGAL catalog.
Column density and dust temperature maps
Caption: Column density (a) and dust temperature maps (b). The contours are the same to the ones in above figure.