Welcome to my homepage!
I am Jinghua Yuan (袁敬华), an astronomer working at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC).
I study the formation and early evolution of high-mass stars in the Milky Way. Recently, we have identified hundreds of high-mass starless clump (HMSC) candidates. With low dust temperatures and small luminosity-to-mass ratios, these HMSC candidates represent an early stage of high-mass star formation and can serve as ideal laboratories to reveal the initial conditions of birth-sites of high-mass stars. Please visit this page to learn more about my research. A list of publications can be accessed via this link.
Academic Profiles | ADS Library; ResearchGate Profile; Google Scholar; Researcher ID; GitHub Profile; Academia Profile |
jhyuanastro@gmail.com; jhyuan@nao.cas.cn | |
Address | A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China |
Phone | +86 18612279973 |
office | B516 at NAOC |
Current Work
On the basis of ALLWISE data, we are currently identifying Extended Green Objects (EGOs) in the whole sky. Two exemplary WISE EGOs (WEGOs) newly identified in the outer Galactic Plane are shown as below.
2018 Oct 29 | Proposal to IRAM 30-m approved for exploring the kinematics of the hub-filament system G22 . |
2018 Aug 6-10 | Molecular Cloud and Star Formation Workshop 2018, Lhasa, China. |
2018 Jul 25 | Won a support of 50 000 RMA support from the Young Researcher Grant of NAOC (1 year). |
2018 Jun 19-25 | On-site observations at IRMA 30-m in Granada. |
2018 Jun 5-17 | Visiting Dr. Annie Zavagno at Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM). |
2018 May 9 | Proposal to IRAM 30-m approved for studying the early kinematics and chemistry of high-mass star formation in different environments. |
2018 Apr 26-27 | Workshop on sub-millimeter astronomy and technology, Nanjing, China. |
2017 Dec 28 | Paper on mass accumulation from cloud scale to the central high-mass protostar in the G22 region is published in ApJ. |
2017 Nov 9 | Proposal to SMA approved for studying the internal structure of high-mass starless clumps in different environments (6 tracks) |
2017 Oct 9-14 | Molecular Cloud and Star Formation Workshop 2017, Yichang, China |
2017 Sep 4-8 | IAU Symposium 336: Astrophysical Masers--Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe, Cagliari, Italy |
2017 Aug 7-11 | The Chinese Annual Astronomy Meeting 2017, Urumqi, China |
2017-Jul-20 | Paper on high-mass starless clumps census in the inner Galactic Plane is published in ApJS. |
2017 Jul 3-7 | 2017 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan |
More ... |